Eating at Home: Opportunities in the New Consumer Landscape

March 2023

The eating-at-home business has surged in the last years, offering more options for consumers. This includes meal delivery, ready meals, home-cooked food, and even snacks that deliver satiety and nutrition. In the context of inflationary pressures, there is a growing need to diversify product portfolios suiting consumers’ spending abilities and demand for various levels of immediacy. There are opportunities in addressing changing mealtimes, new consumer lifestyles and alignment to home systems.

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Key Findings

The eating-at-home business has surged as an effect of the pandemic, availing more options for consumers

The combination of both grocery sales for cooking and takeaway/delivered food from restaurants surged in 2020, and will continue to expand over the forecast period. Foodservice options for at-home consumption gaining share of this pie eats into share of stomach and intensifies competition for previous meals-at-home brands, raising the need to innovate and seek new consumption occasions at home.

A new consumer landscape has emerged in which consumer values and habits evolve alongside the socioeconomic environment

Eating-at-home occasions are re-shaped by an evolved consumer landscape. It is essential for brands to speak to digital-first consumers who still seek healthy food despite not having fully prepared their own meals. Demand for convenience and experience raises the need for compatibility with home systems and lifestyle trends, while inflationary pressures and meal delivery further fragmentises options.

A need to diversify product portfolios suiting a range of consumers’ spending ability and demand for immediacy

Studying this wider range of options for eating at home beyond only cooking ingredients, consumers largely consider price and how quickly these meals can be ready for consumption due to current hybrid lifestyles. Differentiating between different meal options is essential to speak to consumer needs given shrinking product or brand loyalty.

Opportunities in adapting to fluid mealtimes, exploring special occasions at home, and embracing better equipped kitchens

A set of opportunities lie in addressing changing meal times, compatibility with at-home activities such as gaming and socialising, and synergies with the multiplied appliances and devices that consumers have acquired in the last years. Inflationary pressures further emphasise the need for constant re-invention including packaging and pack sizes.

Key findings
The market for eating at home reached new heights in 2020, and is here to stay
A new consumer landscape: Factors re-shaping eating at home occasions
Remote access to food from home accelerates, led by Millennials and Gen Z
Externally-prepared food must live up to consumer expectations of healthfulness
Higher numbers of consumers want to enjoy life and prefer to spend on experiences
Consumers prioritise time for themselves and need to solve many eating occasions quickly
It is not the end for eating at home, but there is a wider array of options
Kitchens have now more capacity to store and prepare food at home
Inflation and a decelerating economy undermine consumer confidence
Takeaway and home delivery food are increasingly preferred
All these factors play a strong role in shaping future at-home eating occasions
In this context, the options for brands to reach consumers at home are expanding
Key opportunities in eating at home occasions due to the evolved consumer landscape
Navigate changes to mealtimes by exploring more eating occasions
Typical breakfast products beyond morning
Versatile formats will help businesses navigate the fluidity of mealtimes
Better equipped kitchens for storage and cooking reinforce the habit of eating at home
Convenience, health and experience drive growth of frozen and chilled options
Align with the more sophisticated appliances available in the market
Offer a restaurant-like experience at home
South Korea’s home meal replacement (HMR) industry expands given interest in food kits
Consider entering the food-for-home-delivery business
Home as an entertainment hub is a window of opportunity for finger food
Staple food players dream big with smaller packs and smaller bites
Understanding the new consumer landscape allows brands to feed into occasions at home
Key concepts to consider in the eating at home business


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