Loyalty Explore the evolving customer loyalty landscape from a multi-industry perspective. Gain insights and learn how to boost retention, increase engagement and future-proof your strategies with our thought leadership.

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Embracing Green Loyalty: Is Your Brand Ready for a Sustainable Future?

Carmen Silva

Carmen Silva

23 Aug 24

Sustainable practices, which range from minimising a brand's environmental footprint to advancing sustainability goals, have helped create and cultivate authentic brands that resonate with consumer values and strengthen brand image.


Seven Types of Consumers to Target

Jana Rude

Jana Rude

22 Aug 24

Segmenting your consumers helps you better understand and reach the right shoppers. We have defined seven types of consumers with distinct personalities. Targeting these types can help you increase conversions or better understand and connect with existing customers.


What's Shaping Loyalty Programmes in North America Today

Nadejda Popova

Nadejda Popova

2 Aug 24

The increase in the cost of living, growth in e-commerce purchases, and interest in experiences are key drivers that loyalty programmes should consider when profiling the North American consumer. Currently, North Americans have a higher participation in loyalty programmes within industries they interact frequently as a higher engagement allows them to maximise the value of their spending.


Points for Purpose: Micro-Donations in Loyalty

Sachi Kimura

Sachi Kimura

15 Jul 24

Traditionally, loyalty programmes have relied heavily on transactional rewards to incentivise repeat purchases. With increased saturation in the loyalty space and lack of added services and perceived value, consumers tend to ignore (or not check regularly) their points status. This represents a major stumbling block for Generation Z for whom transactional points are no longer a significant draw; instead, they are highly conscious about important causes that support purpose-driven initiatives, and seek to explore how loyalty programmes embrace such initiatives.


Evolution of Loyalty in Foodservice

Euromonitor International

Euromonitor International

1 Jul 24

This video examines how leading operators, reliant on point-based programs, can innovate to differentiate and add value, fostering stronger brand loyalty.


Modernising Loyalty: How Airlines Are Capturing Millennials and Gen Z Travellers

Prudence Lai

Prudence Lai

27 Jun 24

The airlines industry is one of the mature industries in adopting loyalty programmes as frequent flyer programmes morph into a profit centre. With shifting traveller behaviour, airlines have to transform engagement through different touchpoints to stay relevant, especially to appeal to younger generations. Airlines are working to provide mobile-led, personalised touchpoints that leverage on latest AI technology to increase their relevance with the younger generations and yield better customer loyalty.

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