From Farm to Fork: Food Tech, Origins and Security

June 2021

This report explores how trends in food origins and food security are converging with unprecedented investment in food tech, e-commerce and delivery. The intersection of these trends is creating a new era of transparency across the “farm to fork” journey, with disruptive implications for food supply chains and consumers’ path to purchase. Brands will face a new competitive landscape and must adapt with new methods of storytelling, pivoting to local sourcing and exploring new routes to market.

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Key Findings

Food origins are in the spotlight as trends converge and accelerate

Food security, sustainability and back-to-local trends are all converging to create a surge in demand for transparency and more information on food origins. All of these trends have been accelerated by COVID-19 and will persist beyond the pandemic.

Technology is creating new opportunities in food sourcing

The pandemic has also driven companies to invest in technology. Investments in e-commerce, delivery capabilities, automation and supply chain digitalisation are creating new opportunities to meet the growing demand around food sourcing.

Storytelling around origins – often via new mediums – is increasingly critical

Origin-based storytelling is becoming a more powerful tool for brand building. These stories are increasingly told through new technologies or mediums, as tech-based traceability tools, livestreaming, social selling and experiential elements take hold.

As markets pivot to local sourcing, food brands face a wider competitive set

This focus on origins will create an entirely new set of locally sourced competitors. As e-commerce and delivery shape the future, cross-industry competition will intensify as prepared and fresh foods compete more directly with packaged brands.

The direct sourcing revolution will fundamentally transform supply chains

Direct-to-consumer models will transform food supply chains as marketplaces allow shoppers to buy directly from the source (eg farmers or manufacturers). Emerging markets that lack modern distribution systems are primed for this change.

Key findings
From Farm to Fork: Food Tech, Origins and Security
Exploring From Farm to Fork: Food Tech, Origins and Security
As consumer interest in food origins grows, technology will create new opportunities
From Farm to Fork: Food Tech, Origins and Security in depth
Food security
Experiential food production
Vertical farming
Hyperlocal delivery
Digital traceability
From Farm to Fork: Food Tech, Origins And Security in focus
Companies are meeting the needs of consumers using various strategies
Storytelling with origins: Lök “social origin” chocolate thrives in Colombia
Leverage new tech mediums: Ninjacart’s FoodPrint brings digital traceability to India
Pivot to local: Danone leverages local brands and local ingredients
Innovate with experiential sourcing: Rewe’s rooftop farm in Germany
Embrace the direct sourcing revolution: Pinduoduo transforms China’s food system
A shift in food supply chains: Yandex blends local sourcing and hyperlocal delivery in Russia
A shift in food supply chains: GoPuff explores a pivot to freshly-prepared food in the US
From Farm to Fork: Food Tech, Origins and Security
Key industry takeaways
Challenges to overcome
Become tomorrow’s next leader


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