Exploring Women’s Health: Breaking Taboos in Menopause

February 2021

The menopausal consumer acts as an untapped market for many health and beauty businesses as these consumers are increasingly looking to treat their symptoms holistically. Both internal and external treatments begin to thrive with opportunity in phytoestrogens, Ayurveda and the microbiome. Menotech offers solutions in terms of tracking and symptomatic relief, while community offers a more affordable option in educating consumers, fighting taboos and fostering a support system.

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Key Findings

Menopause occurs in three stages

Menopause occurs in three stages: perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause, with perimenopause responsible for the majority of symptoms including hot flushes, vaginal dryness and changes in mood.

Delayed diagnosis drives lifestyle approach

Delayed diagnosis and its associated health risk prevents many women from taking HRT during the perimenopause leading them to adopt lifestyle treatment approaches.

Holistic approach merges topical and systematic treatment

Phytoestrogens, ayurvedic techniques, adaptogens and probiotics offer internal and external treatment, while lifestyle impacts such as stress and sexual wellness become of increasing importance.

Brands must balance menotech demand with data privacy concerns

Menotech offers the potential to democratise women’s health though telehealth, symptomatic treatment and tracking. However, this is largely limited by internet access and smartphone penetration in many regions, as well as affordability and growing data privacy concerns.

Education and community offer brand loyalty

While education is growing and taboo is declining, menopause remains firmly behind other biological processes, such as menstruation. Brands fostering education and community offer an antidote to this taboo and build consumer loyalty.

Key findings
Menopause can be defined in three stages
Fluctuating hormones see a myriad of symptoms
Holistic wellbeing important to peri- and post-menopausal women
Menopause accelerates physical ageing
China looks to anti-ageing while the US embraces it
Gross income increases with age
Gender income gap presents a barrier to growth
Diagnostic issues drive consumers to a lifestyle approach
Menopausal supplements see an influx of indie brands
Hormonal skin care remains limited by knowledge and awareness
Moisturising remains the top desired feature for menopausal women
Holistic and Ayurvedic treatment to gain traction
Gut and skin microbiome key to future growth
Lifestyle factors should encompass consumer needs
VENeffect: hormonal skin care with a lifestyle mantra
Menotech: the latest in femtech
Older millennials are a key target audience for future growth
Affordability and data privacy concerns limit growth
Access to technology could see women’s health disparities
Elvie: tech-driven pelvic floor trainer and tracker
Scientific backing drives trust among menopausal consumers
Community gives respite to social taboos
Marketing offers opportunity in support and inclusivity
Gennev: telehealth offers support and education
Key recommendations

Beauty and Personal Care

This is the aggregation of baby and child-specific products, bath & shower, deodorants, hair care, colour cosmetics, men's grooming, oral hygiene, fragrances, skin care, depilatories and sun care. Black market sales and travel retail are excluded.

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