Affordability, Value and the Cost of Living: Spotlight on Sub-Saharan Africa

January 2024

This report provides an in-depth analysis of the potential market strategies for companies in Sub-Saharan Africa amidst the current cost of living crisis. It details how companies can leverage affordability, technology, and values to cater to the needs of the growing population of 1.2 billion consumers, particularly the younger and lower-income segments. It also explores how companies that localize their production could gain a competitive edge.

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Key Findings

The cost-of-living crisis is far from over

In Africa, low-income consumers are disproportionately affected by rising living cost, exacerbated by the fact that growing youth cohorts' income gains can’t keep up with the cost of living. Companies should aim to support consumers to help navigate the continued soaring living cost. 

Value is more than just a nice price

While consumers cut back on non-essential spending, purchasing of goods based on features such as quality, sustainability and other intangible values remain top of mind. Localised production, supply chains and offerings based on desired features not only addresses affordability, but also provides a competitive edge by demonstrating  a commitment to local consumer values.

Leveraging technology for affordability and value

Technology proves to be a steadfast enabler in addressing affordability and barriers to accessibility in Africa. Technological advancements allows business to offer convenient and cost-effective access to their products and services, while consumers benefit from increased financial inclusion, ultimately enhancing the value proposition for African consumers.  

Key findings
Sub-Saharan Africa as a business frontier for affordability and value
Which consumer markets to explore
Young consumers and the cost-of-living challenge in Africa
Airtel Africa servicing the expanding youth cohort
Jumia in Africa, taking the road less travelled
Forging partnerships to secure the way forward
Determining value in a highly cost-conscious market
Shoprite winning with localized retail solutions approach
Nile Marketplace: Connecting fresh produce producers, buyers and sellers
Building brand loyalty through localisation
How digital solutions are breaking down barriers
Safaricom expands its M- Pesa mobile money services
BuuPass streamlining transport by leveraging technology
Utilizing tech-driven solutions as an enabler for affordability and value
Key findings
Sub-Saharan Africa in Focus: How to win
Consumer landscape in Sub-Saharan Africa in 2040


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