Consumers in 2022

November 2021

The consumer landscape of 2022 will be characterised by a strong rebound in consumer expenditure on hotels and catering, transport, and leisure and recreation, as pent-up demand is released. On the whole, global consumer expenditure is set to grow by 4.5% year-on-year in real terms in 2022. Western Europe is expected to lead with the fastest consumer spending growth, reflecting a strong recovery in the region’s consumer activity.

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This report comes in PPT.

Key Findings

This report provides a global overview of the 2022 consumer landscape, as well as highlighting the most important trends from the perspectives of population, households, income and expenditure, and lifestyles for the year ahead.

Consumer landscape in 2022
Households in 2022
Five key household trends
Consumers adopt online education as the safest way to upskill
Income and expenditure in 2022
Five key income and expenditure trends
Spotlight on Western Europe
Lifestyles in 2022
Five important priorities for consumers’ lifestyles
While price is important, aligning to personal values is also key
Population in 2022
Five key population trends
Birth rates bust amidst growing health threats and economic uncertainty


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