Globalisation Beyond the Pandemic: Opportunities from a Great Reset

July 2021

Despite the rising protectionism and the shock of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, globalisation is proving to endure. However, our world is entering a new era of globalisation, with paths forward encompassing supply chain shifts, digital connectivity and sustainability. Identifying evolving trends and learning how they will transform the global manufacturing, trade and financial landscape will help business mitigate risks and secure better access to supplies and markets globally.

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Key Findings

Global trade, investment and migration are slowing down, but digital connectivity is surging

International trade and foreign direct investment growth have slowed down since the 2010s, on the back of shifting global demand, rising labour costs, technological advances and other factors such as protectionism policy and changing consumer value. Global travel and migration have also been severely disrupted since the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital connectivity, meanwhile, becomes an important driver of global economic integration.

Diversification, digitalisation and sustainability are evolving trends resetting globalisation

The global economy is entering a new phase of globalisation, as business efforts to reshuffle supply chains, digitalise and enhance sustainability are reshaping the global manufacturing, trade and investment landscape. The future globalisation will become more people-centred and less geographically-concentrated, as more countries would join the global value chains. Nevertheless, geopolitical risks and protectionism continue to pose a threat to global trade and investment.

The new phase of globalisation will create new winners (and losers), thus new business opportunities (and challenges)

Economies with large internal markets, e-commerce, education services, high-tech companies and local brands are likely the winners of the new globalisation.  Meanwhile, small and open economies may come under stress. Consumers may face higher product prices due to manufacturers’ production relocation. The income gap between consumers in advanced and developing countries may also rise, creating a more fragmented global consumer market.

Building resilience is a top priority for business

In order to mitigate risks and better secure access to supplies and markets in the new global era, companies will need to accelerate digital transformation, focus on people and the planet and diversify both their end-markets and the supply of raw materials, labour and manufacturing across the value chains.

Key findings
The forces shifting globalisation today
Adapting to the new global era
The world is interconnected, though the majority of flows remains local
Global trade is slowing down with shifting global demand…
… and changing policy landscape
Global FDI declines, with China rising as the largest investor
Global digital flows accelerated by the pandemic
Global travel and migration heavily disrupted by COVID-19
Evolving trends resetting globalisation
Diversifying supply chains and markets
C&A: Initiative to diversify production locations and enhance agility
US-China decoupling risk still a threat to global trade and investment
Vietnam: A likely beneficiary of the “China plus one” strategy
Boosting digitalisation in manufacturing and trade
Gap Inc : E-commerce growth triggers automation
The Kroger Co: Investment in tech-driven warehouses
Stronger sustainability focus in global value chains and investments
Rio Tinto: Investing in low-carbon steelmaking technology
Remote learning, working and the new workforce globalisation
A global trade slowdown can undermine productivity and income growth
Slower trade growth to have mixed impacts on income inequality
The future globalisation and its impacts in brief
Outlook on global demand for trade and investment
Possible winners and losers: Where to look for opportunities?
Key takeaways for business


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