Households in Asia Pacific

April 2023

Households in Asia Pacific are experiencing major structural transformation. The growth in urban concentrated households is resulting in changing consumption patterns, while lifestyle changes are resulting in changing household compositions from family-focused to solo-living dwellings, while some governments provide housing subsidies to first-time buyers. Reduced birth rates and a major increase in ageing populations will also impact economic growth as the workforce declines and public services.

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This report comes in PPT.

Key Findings

Single-person households tower above the rest

Lifestyle changes resulting in reduced birth rates and delayed marriages are driving the increase in single-person households. Despite couples with children remaining the dominant household type, single-person households will experience the most significant growth from 2022-2040. Housing and apartment developments and products and services aimed at smaller dwelling types, will continue to see greater demand in the future.

Rural to urban migration is driving consumption of goods and services

Based on diverse cultures, shifting demographics and economic groups, a range of various consumers are found across Asia Pacific. Urban consumers are expected to support greater consumption demand across the region. Consumers in city centres enjoy higher wages and disposable incomes, translating into higher spending power and greater traction for a wider range of goods and services.

Demographic shift due to fewer births and a larger ageing population

By 2040, Asian Pacific residents aged 60+ will make up the largest cohort of consumers across the region. The ageing senior population poses a major threat to economic growth that few countries are addressing adequately. More retirees means fewer workers and increased pressure on healthcare and the pension system. Reduced consumer spending will impact overall expenditure, challenging businesses and service providers.

Increased internet connectivity is a major enabler for higher education

Positive outlook for the future as the share of household heads with higher education is set for rapid growth by 2040. This is supported by the increase in internet access to 89% for all households. Government spending on education, increased urbanisation and a growing middle class will all contribute to higher levels of education for households. Higher education for the head of the household will result in higher incomes and greater consumer expenditure.

Key findings
Six out of 10 Asian Pacific households will be urban by 2040
Rising incomes translates into larger dwelling types
Governments provide support for homeowners and renters
Urbanisation boosts growth for apartments as dwelling types
Durables possession rates remain comparatively low in Asia Pacific
Single-person households continue to stand tall
Demographic shift due to fewer births and an ageing population
Unless addressed, ageing populations threaten economic growth
Online learning is a major boost for further education of household heads
Azerbaijan: Household durables and children per household
Azerbaijan: Household head status and households by type
Bangladesh: Household durables and children per household
Bangladesh: Household head status and household by type
China: Household durables and children per household
China: Household head status and household by type
Hong Kong, China: Household durables and children per household
Hong Kong, China: Household head status and households by type
India: Household durables and number of children
India: Household head status and households by type
Indonesia: Household durables and children per household
Indonesia: Household durables and children per household
Japan: Household durables and children per household
Japan: Household head status and household by type
Kazakhstan: Household durables and children per household
Kazakhstan: Household head status and households by type
Malaysia: Household durables and children per household
Malaysia: Household head status and households by type
Myanmar: Household durables and children per household
Myanmar: Household head status and households by type
Pakistan: Household durables and children per household
Pakistan: Household head status and household by type
Philippines: Household durables and children per household
Philippines: Household head status and household by type
Singapore: Household durables and children per household
Singapore: Household head status and household by type
Sri Lanka: Household durables and children per household
Sri Lanka: Household head status and household by type
Taiwan: Household durables and children per household
Taiwan: Household head status and households by type
Thailand: Household durables and children per household
Thailand: Household head status and households by type
Turkmenistan: Household durables and children per household
Turkmenistan: Household head status and household by type
Uzbekistan: Household durables and children per household
Uzbekistan: Household head status and household by type
Vietnam: Household durables and children per household
Vietnam: Household head status and households by type


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