Mindful Eating and Food as Medicine

June 2021

Mindful consumption is on the rise as health has become a top priority in a post-pandemic world. This report highlights emerging trends around functionality, clean label and digital wellness and examines the role of nutritional wellbeing in the context of mindful eating. It explores how food and beverage companies can adapt innovation strategies to win in the growing health segment.

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Key findings

Functionality becomes a new value driver

As preventative health has become a primary concern for consumers, functionality is inspiring product innovation in areas like immunity support, gut health and consumer relaxation. Eager to actively manage their physical as well as mental wellbeing, consumers are taking a growing interest in functional ingredients.

Naturalness, simplicity and transparency drive clean label trend

Natural continues to be an important value driver in the food market. Consumers increasingly scrutinise ingredient lists and seek simplicity and transparency. “No artificial ingredients” has become a key feature of distinction, encouraging food companies to embrace a clean label approach.

Target underserved consumer segments and lifestyle choices with tailored product offers

Consumer segments such as children, the elderly, or people following a lifestyle diet have very specific nutritional requirements. Tailored product solutions can tap into these white spaces and seize growth opportunities in this unmet market potential.

Personalised nutrition and digital solutions lead the way to the future

Food companies need to embrace digital transformation in order to succeed in the future. Digital apps that support consumers to shop for healthier food products or manage their weight, personalised nutrition recommendations, and DNA tests are some of the examples that are increasingly taking off among consumers.

Regulatory landscape puts increasing pressure on food and beverage companies

Front-of-pack nutrition labels and advertisement bans are tools which are increasingly considered to tackle obesity and help consumers to adopt healthier diets. The aim is to put a stronger focus on the nutritional intake of food consumed. This puts companies under pressure to reformulate towards a healthier product portfolio.

Key findings
Mindful consumption is on the rise and will shape innovation in the food and drinks industry
Mindful Eating and Food as Medicine
Exploring Mindful Eating and Food as Medicine
Mindful Eating and Food as Medicine in-depth
Immunity and gut health
Food for body and mind
Functional food targeting beauty and beyond
Clean label and minimal processing
Digital wellness and personalisation
The rise of special diets
Lifestage nutrition
Labelling and regulation
Mindful Eating and Food as Medicine in focus
Companies are meeting the needs of consumers using various strategies
Use functional ingredients to meet consumer need states: Soy Secretz
Use functional ingredients to meet consumer need states: Camino
Embrace the natural movement to drive a clean label approach: Tanya’s Just Real
Invest in digital solutions that enable a personalised experience: Nestlé and with/n app
Innovate around trendy ingredients and lifestyle choices: Halo Top
Target specific consumer segments with tailored product offers: Mission Mighty Me
Innovate and re-formulate towards healthier variants: Croc
Innovate and re-formulate towards healthier variants: Funday
Innovate and reformulate towards healthier variants: Good Moo’d
Mindful Eating and Food as Medicine
Key industry takeaways
Challenges to overcome
Become tomorrow’s next leader

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness encompasses a number of key claims made on a food or drink products that suggest a health and/or wellness positioning. It comprises positionings relating to better for you, dietary and free from, fortified/functional, health benefit, natural and organic. Please note that data is not available at this level or other aggregated claim levels.

See All of Our Definitions


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