Functional Food: Targeting Beauty and Beyond

January 2022

Driven by increasing awareness of holistic beauty and wellness, consumers are increasingly looking to improve their appearance via both external solutions and internal solutions through functional food. Innovation in functional ingredients to support beauty and women’s and men’s health, including premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and fertility, is heating up. This report explores the potential of beauty and gender-specific health benefits in food, and showcases product innovation in this space.

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Key Findings

Edible beauty concept emerges not only from small players but also from global giants in packaged food

Packaged food products with beauty support concepts are being seen more in the global market. While the concept is still niche and thus small players are more active in the edible beauty space, global giants in packaged food are also joining the race. Collagen is the most popular ingredient in functional products targeting beauty, but innovation in functional  ingredients which help to improve appearance is accelerating.

Beauty players are tapping into supplements and functional food by targeting ingestible beauty

More and more beauty players with a key focus on external beauty products, such as skin care and colour cosmetics, are offering edible beauty products. Although innovation is mostly seen in supplement format at the moment, some products are sold in food format. Competition among food, supplement and beauty players is heating up.

Demand for products to improve appearance is rising among male consumers

Beauty is not only for women, but also for men and all other genders. Demand for skin care, hair care and colour cosmetics is increasing among male consumers. Edible products targeting men and promising to improve their appearance are emerging.

Conditions in gut, sleep and mental health impact on outer beauty

As consumer awareness of holistic beauty and wellness increases, attention to improving gut, sleep and mental health for the purpose of improving appearance is becoming stronger.

Products targeting women’s and men’s health are underdeveloped but have significant potential

Beyond beauty, women’s and men’s health is becoming a hot topic in functional products. Functional food products targeting PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and menopausal symptoms are emerging, and demand and potential are strong.Some successful long-sellers in functional food supporting fertility exist in Asia.

Key findings
Food plays an important role as holistic beauty idea expands
Prevention or reaction to tackle appearance related issues?
More consumers across all generations pursue inner beauty approach
Who to target in the edible beauty space?
Health and wellness products outperform supplements
Packaged food with edible skin care concept is spreading rapidly
Global food players see opportunities and invest in beauty positioning
Product applications using collagen continue to diversify
One in five global consumers are concerned about thinning hair
Demand for skin care among male consumers is increasing globally
Skin care and colour cosmetics usage among men continues to rise
Beauty players build on their expertise and tap into edible beauty space
Healthy appearance is the key aspect defining beauty
Protein intake continues to rise in all regions
General Mills launches its first keto diet brand
Japan leads innovation in functional ingredients supporting weight loss
Gut, sleep and mental health impact on skin, hair and weight control
Prebiotic fibre and probiotics for improving gut health remain popular
Sleep issues are more serious among younger generations
PepsiCo and Nestlé launch drinks with a stress management focus
Women's health is a major concern across age groups
From PMS to menopause: A long journey marked by heavy symptoms
Functional solutions for PMS and menopausal syndrome have potential
Pregnancy support demand rises as the age of childbirth increases
Folic acid, iron and DHA see strong demand among prenatal mothers
15% of men in their 50s report men’s health as a current health concern
Where and how to play

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness encompasses a number of key claims made on a food or drink products that suggest a health and/or wellness positioning. It comprises positionings relating to better for you, dietary and free from, fortified/functional, health benefit, natural and organic. Please note that data is not available at this level or other aggregated claim levels.

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