Spotlight on Asia Health and Beauty Consumers

April 2024

In Asia Pacific, key factors of digitalisation, industry upgrades, and demographic shifts are collectively reshaping the landscape and consumer behaviours. This report explores the motivations, preferences and purchasing patterns of health and beauty consumers in the region. It will compare Asia Pacific consumers with the global average and analyse variances between different markets in the region. Actionable insights tailored for various business roles will be revealed.

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Key findings

Eye on Asia Pacific consumers

Asia Pacific leads the health and beauty market with a third of the global value. Key factors of digitalisation, ongoing industry upgrades, and notable shifts in demographics, are collectively reshaping the landscape and consumer behaviours in this region.

Motivation: Self-conscious about health and appearance

In many Asian markets, appearance and beauty signify social acceptance, prompting consumers to use products for confidence. However, with the spread of individualism, self-indulgent consumption is becoming a primary motivator, emphasising self-management and experiential enjoyment.

Selection: Valuefor money centres on value, not money

The primary consideration of value for money goes beyond seeking cheap products, involving selecting those offering superior value in the same price range. Consumers assess value through thorough research, considering factors like ingredients, effectiveness, convenience, lifestyle compatibility, and reputation.

Purchase: Holisticconsideration of price and services

Consumers consider various factors when choosing a purchasing channel, including price, product availability, shopping experience, personalised service, and after-sales service. Online commerce growth boosts price transparency, making consumers hunt for deals.

Key findings
Asia Pacific: The central hub for industry trends and innovations in health and beauty
Digital integration of health and beauty market in Asia Pacific exceeds global average
Fierce competition and discerning consumers compel industry upgrades and innovation
Shifting demographics set to drive new demands in health and beauty
R esearch scope
Disease prevention and healthy lifestyles are prioritised more by consumers in Asia Pacific
Most Asian countries’ consumers do not rate their health high, except India
Consumers anticipate new solutions that can address “modern health concerns”
Collaboration of bath bomb and sleep aids products for a lifestyle sleep aids solution
Consumers adopt diverse treatment approaches based on different health issues
Asian consumers embrace supplements in their daily routine with high health consciousness
More Asian consumers prefer brand name over-the-counter (OTC) medicines than generic
Asia Pacific consumers embrace self-healthcare facilitated by technologies
SayHeart launches AI-powered app to help simplify complex health data
For treatment information, online/social media sources are impactful in Asia Pacific
As well as widely utilised, online sources enjoy a high level of trust among consumers
Retail channel landscape shifts in Asia Pacific with online retailers’ rapid growth
Douyin in China expands as a leading e-commerce platform for health products
R esearch scope
What is “beauty”? Youthful and presentable looks are more widely recognised in Asia Pacific
Value for money, suitableness, and quality are top features that beauty consumers desire
The evolution of “value” in beauty and personal care products in Asia Pacific
Asia Pacific consumers prioritise premium ingredients or formulation in beauty products…
...but preference for lower-priced products increases over tim e
Asian beauty consumers show lower loyalty to brands, with China and South Korea standing out
“Foreign brand” as selling point will not always work, especially when local brands are thriving
Beauty devices are used more in Asia, as consumers demand highly effective routines
OGP in China combines skin care technologies with seamless tailored user experience.
Asian consumers turn to beauty apps to outsmart beauty brands in ingredients knowledge
Hwahae in South Korea facilitates beauty consumers’ outsmarting decisions
E-commerce’s dominance and value hacker consumers shape beauty retail in Asia Pacific
Nykaa is winning the market with beauty content and seamless experience in India e-commerce
R esearch scope
Digital eye strain is notable in Asia Pacific, but consumers do not plan to reduce screen time
Asian consumers prefer lifestyle-compatible approaches for vision/eye issues
E ye health benefits and convenience are the key drivers of eyewear in Asia Pacific
Beauty and luxury fashion trends are the key drivers for no-correction eyewear products
Omnichannel-driven personalisation to reshape eyewear retail landscape in Asia Pacific
R esearch scope
For menstrual care, functionality continues to be the focus, while sustainability is a nice-to-have
Unicharm: Diversify and tailor product developments to meet local preferences
Low fertility rates in Asia indicate two growth trajectories for disposable nappies/diapers market
Accelerated ageing population remains the underlying driver for adult incontinence
Hypoallergenic and natural ingredients stand out as influential cleaning product features
Disposable facial cloths gain popularity in Asia with durability and skin care advantages
Value creation of disposable wipes centres around customisation and health claims
Key topics of Asia health and beauty consumers
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Beauty and Personal Care

This is the aggregation of baby and child-specific products, bath & shower, deodorants, hair care, colour cosmetics, men's grooming, oral hygiene, fragrances, skin care, depilatories and sun care. Black market sales and travel retail are excluded.

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