Supply Chain Optimisation

April 2023

Increased economic uncertainty, digitisation of business activities, the need to improve operational efficiency, and stricter regulations encourage companies to review their supply networks and fortify them against the potential risks in the future. The supply chain optimisation trend is expected to impact manufacturing, retail, transportation and many other industries.

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Key findings

Companies face the need to improve supply chain resilience

Rising geopolitical tensions, a changing macroeconomic environment, stricter environmental regulations, and transportation bottlenecks drive changes in supply chains as companies aim to improve the resilience of their production networks against potential shocks.

Digital technologies help to increase supply chain flexibility

Facing the need to improve supply chain efficiency, companies are eyeing cloud computing, artificial intelligence and Internet of Things solutions. These solutions can help to improve flexibility of the supply chains and provide better ability to predict potential supply disruptions.

Manufacturing sector drives supply chain resilience efforts

Industries with long supply chains or producing critical goods drive efforts to improve supply chain resilience. Production localisation, diversification of supplier pool and alternative transportation networks can help to improve supply chain resilience.

Demand and regulatory changes support investments into sustainable manufacturing

Stricter regulations, changing consumer preferences and the need to reduce environmental impact encourage companies to invest into green technologies. Companies are investing into energy efficiency, sustainable packaging and localised supply chains to reduce their environmental impact.

Regulatory dynamics impact business climate

Stricter environmental regulations and changes in macroeconomic policies and trade impact the business climate and supply chains. Companies make product and supply chain changes to meet new regulation and adapt to the new economic environment.

Key takeaways
Exploring supply chain optimisation
Drivers of supply chain optimisation
Supply chain optimisation uncovered
Industries invest in digital transformation to better shield from supply chain risks
Digital tools can help companies to increase sales
Case study: BASF implements digital manufacturing to streamline fungicide production
Digital transformation can help companies to accelerate growth and reduce costs
Supply chain problems encourage companies to build resilience
Manufacturers aim to localise production to reduce supply chain risks
Case Study: Apple diversifies production network to shield from supply chain risks
Companies aim to improve supply chain resilience to shield from the rising risks
Changes in consumer preferences and legislation drive sustainability initiatives
Manufacturing sector prioritises investments into new sourcing strategies and efficiency
Case Study: CLAAS manages to reduce energy consumption while increasing production
Sustainable manufacturing to become mainstay in the industry
Changes in regulations have the biggest impact on the manufacturing segment
Changes in regulations can have effects across the broader economy
Case Study: A Glass of launches sustainable packaging for new categories
Tracking regulatory changes can help to identify potential supply chain changes
Key takeaways
Supply Chain Optimisation: How to win
Evolution of supply chain optimisation
Questions we are asking


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