Sustainable Home

November 2023

The home cushions consumers from a mindset of resource abundance to one of short-term crisis, ultimately leading to long-term compromise. The sustainable home will be centred on the adoption of new technologies, with properties integrating reuse, recovery and recycling solutions across energy, food, water and all waste materials as a way of providing our homes with more sustainable solutions. This is about scarcity and the realisation that current systems are no longer fit for purpose.

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Key findings

Without a sustainable home there is no sustainable future

The importance of making profound improvements to the resource-efficiency of homes cannot be overstated. The energy consumption of our homes account for a significant share of total GHG emissions. The home as the focal point of people’s lives is playing a significant role in meeting net zero emission targets. If we fail to adjust to a reality of increasing resource scarcity, the consequences of our inaction will be felt by everyone.

Cost pressures are aiding sustainable development

We are in the midst of an economic crisis, which is being felt by companies and consumers alike. In the face of rising raw material costs, using resources more efficiently, and therefore being more sustainable, has developed into a necessity for companies, which are looking to maintain their profit margins, and for consumers, who are grappling with a cost of living crisis.

Consumers care, so brands that do not care miss out, and risk being left behind

We care for our homes and the environment more than we used to. This is a chance for brands to bond with consumers within a highly emotive subject. Consumers need to be guided in making the best decisions for themselves and for the planet. The most transparent and tangible solutions to solving pain points in the home in an increasingly resource-scarce environment will benefit brands that lead on disruption at the expense of the disrupted.

The best solutions are yet to be found

The sustainable home of the future will not be created overnight, but the window of opportunity for change to have its intended effect is closing. The biggest opportunity lies in solving the end-of-life conundrum, which remains the Achilles’ heel of sustainable progress. Recent advances in circularity are giving a taste of how the sustainable home will shape up in the future.


Key takeaways
Exploring sustainable home
Relevant areas of the sustainable home pertaining to home products
Resource scarcity is driving the sustainable home
The relative importance of sustainability issues varies across home product industries
Sustainable home uncovered
The home is crucial to achieving sustainability
Energy efficiency sits at the core of sustainable agendas
Preserving water resources: An important aspect of the future sustainable home
Circularity and end-of-life are coming into focus
The climate crisis will lead to profound changes in how we use resources in our homes
Home product industries are increasingly affected by legislation
Legislation on sustainability reporting will expose the good and the bad
Recent EU legislation relevant to home products and the sustainable home
Legislation on extended producer responsibility
Legislation plays a crucial role in establishing and promoting sustainability
Energy-efficiency is driving category performance in home products
T he pandemic has revealed the environmental impact of individual choices
What consumers demand of their homes has changed
Despite changes in mindsets cost remains the main driver of consumer decision
The challenge for companies is to support consumers and what they demand of their homes
More companies have started to see the cost-saving benefits of sustainability
Solutions are being developed across all sustainability issues
Sustainability action from leading home products companies
Scope 3 GHG emissions are the main source of businesses’ carbon footprint
The main GHG emission sources from a home products perspective (1)
The main GHG emission sources from a home products perspective (2)
Leroy Merlin introduces Home Index rating products based on their environmental footprint
P&G is tackling Scope 3 emissions at use stage: A reprise for cold water washing strategy
The 50L Home: An alliance aiming at reinventing the future of water use in the home
Being ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing world pays off
A full commitment to circularity in packaging is overdue but challenges remain
Consumer mindsets are changing in favour of product longevity and repair
Biodegradable end-of-life solutions are emerging, and not just within predictable categories
Repair and design for deconstruction is gaining popularity in home and garden
Mars trials refill station for pet food aligned with France’s National Pact on Plastic Packaging
Lasso Loop: The first home recycling appliance
There is no alternative to mastering circularity and end-of-life
Sustainable home: How to win
Evolution of sustainable home
Questions we are asking

Home Care

This is the aggregation of laundry care, dishwashing products, surface care, chlorine bleach, toilet care, polishes, air fresheners and insecticides.

See All of Our Definitions


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