Self-Care at Home

June 2023

Self-care at home, as an aspect of the wellness trend, needs to be evaluated as a strategic planning priority as this will sit alongside sustainability long term as a core value pillar. This topic accelerated over the pandemic and keeps accelerating as an emotive counter-reaction inside the home to the instability and lack of control experienced outside of the home. Self-care is driving premium innovations, and this is one of few ways to credibly bond and create value emotionally with consumers.

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This report comes in PPT.

Key takeaways

Self-care products are growing faster over time, with solid long-term drivers

In each industry, there are subcategories more closely associated to self-care at home where wellness has grown both in the marketing narrative but also clearly in sales via faster growth rates, seen over the pandemic but also looking at acceleration over the forecast period. The drivers behind this are sustained demographic, geopolitical, economic and social stress triggers.

Sensitivity in the home to unwelcome substances and practices is on the rise

We have become super-attuned to the chemistry we allow at home, exacerbated by pandemic over-exposure, rising allergy awareness and social media’s ability to scale boycotts. The list of ingredients considered “pro-health” and the list of materials and ingredients considered “toxic” are both growing, driving inclusion and sometimes exclusion in the market.

Consumers care, so brands that do not care miss out, and risk being left behind

We care for our homes, pets, plants and ourselves more than we used to - and we want our homes to care for us more as well. This is a chance for brands to bond with consumers within an emotive subject. The best defence for a mistake in this wellness space is time spent gaining strength and credibility in self-care. This is already forming premium range structure thinking.

The best solutions are yet to be found; this topic creates unmet needs for NPD

Self-care drivers are maturing and sometimes contradict one another, fomenting dissatisfaction with the home and life activity as it is now. Ideal solutions are yet to be found, and this creates fertile ground for value creation in innovation and proposition development. Priority levels of all self-care drivers should be mapped to better foster compromises and complete solutions.

Key takeaways
The context for Self-Care at Home within the larger “Wellness” health topic
Exploring self-care at home
Drivers of self-care at home: Against a background of wellness, “home as sanctuary” evolves
Self-care at home uncovered
Self-care is not a topic you can safely ignore when building growth strategy in home products
Muddy Trowel answered a nurturing need, and attracted a global leader as a key investor
Zee.Dog launched a natural health-orientated premium dog food, also triggering acquisitions
More exposure to self-care means better exposure to future growth
We are going to more extreme efforts to prevent threats being invited into our sanctuary
The Inspired Home Show (March 2023) gave an example of how fast an exclusion can happen
VOCs are a rising issue, partly due to harm, but also because other factors make them visible
Ingredients are an issue; but “toxin” release is game changing if visible to users in real time
Stakeholders are entering the market with a vested interest in trumpeting issues like VOCs
We could explain how deeply the humanising trend has embedded; but we don’t need to…
Self-care solutions are already emerging beyond the basics, focusing on mood enhancement
A ready meal for dogs from late 2022 shows a direction of travel for emotional investment
Mood enhancing emerges as a consistent self-care experiential claim in premium positioning
This “mood” factor is consistently active and growing across many parts of the needs map
Stress in the 2020s is abnormally strong, and emotional counter-reactions are equally strong
The law of unintended consequences resonates, with self-care solutions creating new issues
Novozymes lean into biology, but “probiotics” as a claim is contentious, outside of foods
Premium pet treats driven by holistic wellbeing in wake of pandemic pet anxiety
Tension between natural materials and cleaning culture opens opportunity for new materials
Tensions describe both a weakness and an opportunity; strong positive emotions are implied
Key takeaways
Self-care at home: How to win
Evolution of self-care at home
Questions we are asking
If looking for content in health and wellness, the following are published, and more is coming

Home and Garden

This project has a strict focus on sales to consumers only. Trade and professional sales are excluded. Home and garden refers to gardening, home improvement, homewares and home furnishings.

See All of Our Definitions


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